Monday, 17 October 2011

Back at it!

Monday night here, just a quickie to write that I'm back on the horse- well at the gym anyway!!

Yesterday , was a little stressful, more issues with no. 1 son,and instead of staying at home ranting and raving, I went for a 8 km hike! What a stress reliever and it defused the situation,so I was quite rational when I got home!! Today I hit the gym this morning at 0630 and have felt great since...

I have felt more restriction since my small fill last week, evenings are still an issue, I just need to go over my bandster rules and focus on them a little more.

Hope you all have a good week and will catch up later in the week:)


  1. What a great stress reliever, so glad you handled that situation with exercise! :)

  2. Great job getting back in the gym!

  3. Doesn't it feel great when you start using healthy things to relieve stress. I am in the process of moving again for the 3-4 time in as many years ( I seriously can't remember anymore). We moved this time last year and I was still new to my Band and I let myself fall back to old habits to deal with stress. This time every time I get overwhelmed I run to the gym and Zumba like crazy. I get to take a break and I am doing something good for myself too. WIN WIN!!!! Next thing you know, you will be craving your exercise time. :)

  4. I'm reading you over here! I know I've fallen off the wagon a bit, but I still see you! Had a little gain myself, but it's def on the way back down. I'll be posting soonish.
